A tale of murder and execution in Bolton.
In 1798 a Samuel Longworth, murdered 18 year old William Horrocks in Dean Lane, Bolton.
William Horrocks was a native of Westhoughton, and was robbed of his watch and 4 – 5 guineas in cash (£4.20-5.25) a large amount, it was the equivalent of £680-£850 today.
William Horrocks had recognised Longworth, so he killed him, hitting him with a large stick, and Longworth was sentenced to death at Lancaster.
Samuel Longworth, once convicted and executed on Lancaster Moor on 3rd April 1797 and his body was transported back to Deane where he was Gibbetted in chains on Deane Moor and his body hung there for two months. His body was then cut down and as a criminal he was interred on the spot.
His remains were discovered buried in a coffin, on the spot on 29th March 1887, by worker’s digging clay for the local brick works.
It appears that 25 years earlier they hd even found the remains of the Gibbet on which Longworth was hanged.
A Gibbet of the type likely used to spend the body of Samuel Longworth.