Samuel Pye (1871)

Samuel Pye of 77 Sydney Street was Born in bolton in 1832 and lived in Openshaw Croft off Bradshawgate in 1841, he was noted as a “Shop Keeper and Watch Repairer” in Worrell’s directory of 1871, being based at 77 Sydney Street in Bolton.

Worrall’s Directory 1871

At the same time the census listed him as a local miner, so watch repairs was probably a side-line for him. He had previously been listed as a collier in 1861.

So Samuel himself had turned his hand to numerous trades, and settled more successfully as a beer seller, and landlord of the The Good Samaritan was at 73 Derby Street not far from the corner of Fletcher Street. Samuel took over the pub in the mid 1870’s Samuel Pye succeeded George Crompton and was at the pub until his death in 1896.

It is unlikely that Samuel made watches in this own name, and none are known to exist.