Micht Wallier of Bolton

This is believed to be a mistaken reading or a corruption of Mich Walker, actually linking to Michael Walker.

It could have been that the name was transcribed from an elaborate, or damaged, engraving or worn painted Dial.

There are no records yet found to support a Micht Wallier as a Bolton Clock or Watch maker, but research continues.

One example carrying his name has been found, but nothing else.

Looking at the font for the name it looks a little ‘modern’ and as such may be a restoration, this would not be the first time such a restoration has incorrectly linked a clock to Bolton see: J. Callcott.

There is a possibility that this could be a clock by Michael Walker that has been restored and incorrectly attributed.

Movement with Moonphanse attributed to Micht Wallier of Bolton.

The name in detail…

The font looks to be quite a modern font?

Pocket Watch by Micht Walier – or Michael Walker – its easy to see how errors could have arisen.