James Horrocks was a successful Pawnbroker, Jeweller and Outfitter, and also listed in 1873/4 as partner in the Bank of Bolton.
James was born in Bolton in 1834, and by the 1880’s was living in his home Vernon Bank on Vernon Street, a substantial home in its own grounds that had stood since the early day of development in the Lark Hill area.
Vernon Bank, home to James Horrocks
His home, Veron Bank, would in later years become known almost universally as the Destitute Animal Shelter.
In the 1860’s his shop was at 33 Cheapside, later Newport Street and By the 1870’s he was listed as trading in Deansgate.
The Pawnbroking industry brought him into court on a number of occasions, assisting with the prosecution of felons who stole from him, or brought stolen goods to his shop.
Bolton Evening News 15th July 1870
There is at least one pocket watch known to be branded as James Horrocks Bolton.
James Horocks Bolton Fusee Pocket Watch Circa. 1880